The Queen’s Chronicles – Lazy Weekend

We were able to have a weekend at home and I’d love to say I checked off everything on my list but no such luck! My oldest daughter is on a girls trip to Vegas and we are dog sitting and I feel like I have a toddler again.  While Dutch is super chill and laid back, Pesto is a little more spry and she’s a tad bit skittish so she literally follows me around every step.

So we stayed in our pajamas until it was time for lunch on Saturday!  If you listen to nothing else, you need to take my advice about these pj’s!  They are the perfect softness and fit so cute.  If you aren’t much on the shorts there is a cropped pant option in this pattern too!  I seriously did not want to take them off.

I did manage to almost finish reorganizing my closet!  All that is left is to rethink my accessories.  Painters are coming this week to repaint our bedroom and I’m hoping they will be able to patch the sheetrock on my closet as well.  Once that is done I’ll be sure to post an update.

Having my closet all in order made me decide to try my hand at an instagram style challenge.  Since we will also be celebrating Mother’s in May I combined the two and created the Moms Rock May Style Challenge.  I’ve posted all the prompts below which each tie back to a song title.  Music was a super big part of my life growing up as my momma always had it playing in our house so I thought this would make her proud!  I hope some of you will join me on instagram and use the hashtag #MomsRockMayStyle.  I’m working on prizes for each week and one grand price at the end.

One of the sweet families we have actually gotten to know through baseball and football with Dillon, also has a daughter who is a Strutter (drill team) at the high school.  Kayli also works at Carly Jo’s dance studio and we were so excited to head to her spring showcase on Saturday night.  These girls were just amazing!  Not only was I super impressed with their talent as dancers but the girls actually choreograph the entire show.  It was pretty incredible.

When I was reading up on yellow last month for our Ageless Style series, it was mentioned it worked well with the 2018 color of the year.  This sweet little top showed up on Friday from the Loft sale so I thought I’d try my hand at it.  Y’all, I live in Aggieland and I’m not sure how on earth it never crossed my mind that this was totally an outfit made for an LSU game!  Oops!  I tried to rock it for church regardless but I don’t think I’ll try this one again any time soon.

These little sleeveless tops are some of my favorite as they look adorable with shorts or crops but they also work well layered under a jacket for work with a skirt or dress pants.  Loft is still having their 40% off sale + an additional 10% so it’s the perfect time to grab a few.

I did not cook once this weekend y’all which is almost unheard of for me!  Keith grilled on Friday night and we have been snacking on that food ever since.  We finished off Sunday on the porch with Cassie’s skinny margaritas.  A tip for getting the salt to stick to the rim; add lime juice and then a little agave nectar or honey around the rim of the glass.

We have a big week with Carly’s dance recital ahead on Tuesday!  I will also be back tomorrow with the girls from the Ageless Style series sharing a piece that has been around for awhile but I just can’t seem to part with.  Wishing you all a beautiful week!

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