Summertime Guilty Pleasures


The Blended Blog is wrapping up summer with a few more weeks of Summertime Fun and todays prompt is all about guilty pleasures.  I’m also joining Andrea at Momfessionals for a Show & Tell Tuesday.  Summertime really is the best when it comes to allowing for special treats and outings with longer days and no schedules.

Here’s the thing about me, I don’t sit well.  Laying on the couch reading a book or watching TV takes so much from me.  Being still is just so darn hard and when I do it, well, I feel guilty.  Sadly, I’m also guilty of being extremely cranky if everyone else is laying around relaxing and enjoying the TV when there are chores (or projects) to do.

Food is also an area where I have a hard time unplugging.  I think way, way too much about food; what to eat, how much to eat, what I shouldn’t eat.  Escaping the every day takes food off center stage as well.  So, while 50 cent Frosties from Wendys all summer has definitely been a summer indulgence, my guilty pleasure is escaping.

This past weekend was a great example. It was not extravagant by any means but I escaped from the chores of my every day life and headed to my hometown.  I enjoyed a day of laying in the sun and just being still.  Loving on my niece and nephews, chatting with my brother and sister-in-law and eating when I was hungry.  A little Titos in the snow cones may have helped with the relaxing, just sayin’.

Summertime - The Queen in Between Summertime - The Queen in Between Summertime - The Queen in Between Summertime - The Queen in Between

One of my biggest struggles is being able to balance the daily chores of life and separating what is really important with what really must get done.  I think all of us have a different gauge as to our tipping point right?  I’m so guilty of not considering my home a haven and forget when I look at the constant upkeep and need for repairs how very blessed I really am to have this home.  I forget it is really not the chipped paint or the dust bunnies or the long avoided junk drawer that creates my home but rather the people I share it with.  I’m guilty of taking it all for granted!

So here’s to enjoying the extra long days we are given in summer to indulge in the pleasures life brings every day with zero guilt!

Join The Blended Blog again next week for another Summertime Fun Prompt!