Grateful Heart Monday

Today I am feeling grateful that I live close enough to my extended family that a day trip is not out of the question.  
Yesterday I was able to make the 2 hour drive to my hometown to attend my nephew’s 4th birthday party.  I am grateful that this sweet family includes us for every event.  
 I am sure there are so many ways to maintain relationships at a distance but I am grateful I have never had to utilize those means and instead have had the opportunity to build relationships with my niece and nephews in person.  I am so glad I get to see this sweet smile usually at least every 2-3 months.  He knows my name and my face but it still takes him forever to warm up to me when I arrive.  
 But finally he will comply and at least take a picture with me.  Our good-bye today was limited to a high hugs…I mean he is four!  
So today I’m grateful for the closeness!  Grateful for what it has added to my life to attend events for Thomas, Morgan & Myles and build relationships with them.  These three are the closest link I have to my brother and I will always treasure my relationship with them.  Love you all to pieces!  

Linking up today with Emily @ Ember Grey for Grateful Heart Monday….you should too!

Ember Grey

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