Grateful for Wisdom


I start every year just like many of you.  There are things in my life I would like to change and improve upon and they run wild in my mind but I begin to feel overwhelmed almost immediately.  While I know the right things to do, make lists, set goals and believe me I’m really good at doing this, where I fail is with follow through.  Sadly, when I take a look at every single area of my life (work, family, this blog) it’s all the same; every area that is causing me stress is lacking the same things!  My focus, my time, my desire to be 100% committed.

It is always a great reminder to me of God’s love when he continues to put messages in front of me at just the right time.  Our service yesterday was all about becoming wise.  If you were here last week you know my 2016 word is Receiving so opening my heart to hear God’s word is definitely a first step.  Our pastor is great at delivering a message and we often have fill in the blank type handouts to keep us interested and awake.  When I first looked over the fill in the blank questions I was almost certain this was not the first time he was giving this message.  In fact, I’m a little ashamed to admit I flipped it over and wrote this is a repeat and showed it to Keith.  For real…I did that!  Well let’s just say I definitely have been present to hear this message before but yesterday I received it!

Be very careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.  – Ephesians 5:15-17

Yikes!  Here’s the deal.  I struggle every day with getting out of the house on time.  It’s always rushed, always stressful and I hate it.  It often transcends to work and the next thing I know my good intentions of starting fresh and knocking out a productive day has turned into frustration and sometimes anxiety as I lose my focus.  Back home and I’m again stressed to see the house is not quite in order or there isn’t a plan for dinner.  Everyone else is in bed by 9pm and I find myself up until midnight working on picking up or reading or a blog post and you know what?  I’m stressed and unfocused and tired but I push on and the next thing I know I’ve passed that magic time when I can fall asleep.  Now I’m restless and will start the next day feeling sluggish, rushed, and unfocused.

You know what I tell myself all the time?  I make excuses!  I can’t (can’t never could), I’m not a morning person, if my husband worked in town, if I was a stay home mom….over and over I tell myself these things and they are all just excuses.  The message in church laid out several statements to get me thinking about what is the wise thing to do.

In light of my past experiences?  Stressful mornings, unfocused workdays, restless nights
In light of my current circumstances?  I do work outside the home and Keith does work out of town!
In light of my future hopes and dreams?  Being a mom who appears to have it together and isn’t rushing around like a crazy loon every morning, producing my very best, error free work at my job, creating thoughtful, well planned blog post which are inspiring to others; these are all a small part of my hopes and dreams.  I want to look my best and feel my best so I can be my best in every area.

The wise thing for me to do is so simple and I know it.  I need a night owl conversion.  Keith wakes up every single morning between 4:30-4:45.  It stirs me and I grumble but I typically go back to sleep.  A few mornings a week I get up around 5:15 and I head to a workout and then the rush begins when I get back home.  What I need to do is shift my schedule to match the schedule the rest of my family is already on.  One thing about 4:30 in the morning is the house is quiet and my head is completely clear.  Do you know how much better you think when your head is completely clear?

So here we go!  I always love starting something new on a Monday don’t you?  I’m laying out my plan and hope to look back on this post for a little accountability.  Here are some of the ways I hope to improve my day.

  • Rise each morning at 4:45 and start the day with quiet time while Keith is getting ready.  
  • Set a time limit for working on the blog, reading or responding to emails
  • Head to workout 
  • Dress without any other distractions (stopping to check social media, answering text, etc)
  • Make bed, pack lunch, eat breakfast all before taking time for anything else
  • Start the day focused and on time!  
  • Set boundaries during the day for social media both at work and at home
  • Workout/kids activities/time for social media and blogging 
  • Dinner (meal plan on Sundays), homework, family time and then turn in to bed at the same time Keith does and catch an episode or two on Netflix.  
  • End the day relaxed and feeling accomplished 
Y’all, I really do think this is the wise thing to do.  I am totally in control of pretty much everything I have listed and I’m fairly confident I’ve been making the choice to be part of the problem instead of the solution.  This may take time (and lots of coffee) and I may fail some days but I know this is the right choice.  
Do you have an area of your life where you know the wise decision but keep making the wrong choice?  Ask yourself the question our pastor challenged us with.  In light of my past experiences, my current circumstances and future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?  No great things come without sacrifice and hard work; at least not the kinds of hopes and dreams that make you feel proud inside.  
Before I go, my friend Michelle at Grammie Time has featured me in her Connect With series.  I am so humbled and honored and would love for you to pop over and read her post as well as browse through the rest of her blog. 
And don’t forget tomorrow is Queen Bee Tuesday where my friend Katy and I share a woman who inspires us and invite you to join our linkup by writing about a woman in your life who inspires you!  Old and new post are always welcome.  
Linking up with Emily at Grateful Heart Monday as well as so many other amazing bloggers you can find on my contact page here!  Linking up is such a great way to find other inspiring blogger as well as share your content and I’ve arranged by the day of the week to make it a little easier.  
Happy Monday!