Entertainment – TBB Asks

It’s the first Monday in May which means it’s time for another round of The Blended Blogs asks!  This month it’s all things entertainment.  Grab the graphic, answer the questions and link up.  So easy!

ONE | I really love both comedy and drama and would have to say it depends on two things; who I’m watching the movie with and what my mood might be.

TWO | I would definitely lean towards fiction more times than not.  I’ve got enough real going on in my life most days and a movie is really a chance to escape!  Maybe I just haven’t watched enough documentary type films.

THREE | Watching a movie at home is always going to be my top choice.  I don’t know if it’s because my legs or so long or what but sitting in a theatre for an extended period of time always made me super stiff.  Plus…I can think of all the things I could be doing while the 20 minutes of previews plays!  I will say now that our theatre has the recliners I’m much more likely to head to watch a movie at the theatre than ever before if I can actually remember to buy the tickets in advance!

FOUR | I love musicals!  Let me amaze you with my depth here but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an actual play.  Everything I’ve ever seen on a stage included music.

FIVE | Eating dinner out is typically the go to when things get busy with kids activities and such but I would actually say I love eating breakfast out the most.

SIX | Oh my, I do not think I can even pick a favorite book of all time!  I remember reading The Promise by Danielle Steel when I was young and thinking it was the best ever.  The Firm was a book I remember in my 20’s not being able to put down.  I read a series by Fern Micheals  which begins with Texas Rich and includes 4 books following a family over the years and I actually have read the series twice and may have picked my 2nd borns name from one of the books.  I’ve read the complete series twice and I’m not typically one to read something I’ve read before.  Most recently I would have to say, Girl Wash Your Face is probably going to be on my best ever list!

SEVEN | We love a good game night even though I’m terrible at making it happen.  When we do it everyone always has fun!  Lately we have been playing left, right, center which is an easy dice game anyone can play and we’ve been playing with a little stash of quarters.  Yahtzee and Sorry are two of our go to games.

EIGHT | Even though it rarely happens anymore, I’m going to say kickball. When I was growing up Red Rover was my favorite because I was the “big” kid and could always break through.  ha!

NINE | Easiest question on this list!  Friends, hands down.  When I was in between marriages I really had this idea in my mind that if I could meet Matthew Perry in real life I could convince him we would be perfect together.  Glad that didn’t work out. ha!

TEN | I don’t watch any sitcoms these days so I definitely would have to choose those growing up. Having so much less available at our fingertips you really had to plan out the TV watching.  I loved way too many to mention!

ELEVEN | Bowling 100%.  The only thing I love about mini golf is it is outdoors.

TWELVE | Milkduds are really the only candy I can ever remember grabbing at the movies.

THIRTEEN | I’m a plain popcorn girl so we usually have to ask for a separate container to put a little in so the rest of my family can lather theirs in butter.

FOURTEEN | I’m good with 3D movies and don’t mind wearing the glasses if it is truly worth it but there better be some stuff flying at me.

FIFTEEN | Hmm….I’ve been all over the place with books the past few years.  I’d say I really love a good thriller to keep me interested and guessing but I need it to be mild on the gore and having a love story twist is preferred.

Am I the only one who sees these posts and thinks they will be so darn easy to knock out and then end up being stumped?