November Goals – Five on Friday

Last Friday I decided I needed a little accountability and shared five goals for November on instagram.  Today I’m sharing with you friends as well to really double up my chances of sticking it out for a full 30 days!  It’s been quite some time since I wrote down any goals much less shared them and it was beginning to show in my choices and daily excuses.  The holiday season is no time to leave caution to the wind so here goes.

November Goals


Workout and/or log 10,000 steps every day!  Last February I read chapter 2 of Girl Wash Your Face, The Lie:  I’ll Start Tomorrow and it was a huge wakeup call.  For months I had been putting off getting to the gym and climbing into bed each night with the promise I’d hit 10K steps the next day.  Why was I selling out on myself and how could I expect anyone else to trust my word if I couldn’t even keep a promise to myself.  No more excuses for me and I did so good until about two months ago.  Time to get back on track!


Grab inspiration daily from one podcast and from the daily reading of Every Day Holy.  Number one and number two kind of go together as I was on a major role listening to podcasts while I was out logging those 10K steps every day but both had slacked off and I’ve been missing my podcast friends.  Some of my favorites include the Rise Podcast, Jen Hatmaker, The Happy Hour and Business Boutique!  Please tell me what you are listening to!

And seriously, I think Melanie’s daily devotional, Everyday Holy, is one of the best I’ve ever followed.  She has such a way with telling a story and tying it in with biblical truth.


Drink lots of water and limit alcohol and sugar to weekends only!  Insert a Swiftie girls weekend, a trip to Nashville, birthday dinners and Halloween and you have a helluva hot mess over here.  I kid you not I staked out a cake on Halloween at a work bake sale to insure it came home with me and I fully intended on eating it until it was gone.  Spoiler, I didn’t end up in a sugar coma but realized really quickly it was a good sign I had slipped back into one of my binge phases and something needed to give.

Sugar makes me feel crappy when I eat too much and I had also gotten into a really bad habit of having a beer or glass of wine every single night.  All of this leaves me feeling super bloated and sluggish and momma doesn’t have time for that.  I suck at drinking water though and even though I’m trying I guarantee I’m not drinking enough.  My goal is clear pee and I’ve successfully attained that so far!  🙂


Spend as much time with people I love as possible!  With the holidays approaching I can easily shift my focus to the stress of the season and forget about the blessings.  Taking the time to be with the people I love as much as possible really helps me to remember what’s really important.  I’m excited to have some time on the calendar with my family but hope to also see some friends this month.


Do one thing that scares me!  This is somewhat cheating because I already agreed to something that scares the heck out of me.  A dear friend has enough confidence in me to ask me to speak to a women’s group later this month and after sitting on it for several days waiting for satan to win I finally decided God had his hand in this!  I’m excited but super nervous and know it will be a chance for me to get outside my comfort zone and grow a little.

I will be updating weekly on instagram for accountability and of course will come back here to wrap up November.  So if you see me out posting a draft beer or cheesecake on a Tuesday night feel free to call me out!

Wishing you all a super weekend!  We are going to be visiting a couple of colleges this weekend and I have to say I’m feeling excited and a little nervous and I’m not even the one going to college.  Praying God opens the doors meant to be opened and closes those meant to be closed.