Laundry & Leftovers

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My thoughts for Thursday….oh laundry….where do you come from and why do you never go on vacation?  I am currently on load number 3 of 5 and I really need it all completed as tomorrow night we must be packing for Florida.  I despise laundry.  Sure the sorting is kind of fun and I don’t mind the actual washing but the drying and folding oh my gosh.  One of the loads tonight was actually already clean but some of my friends living here piled a stack of dirty, wet towels in the same basket.  And y’all….I am pretty confident it was the “big” friend at my house that did it!!
I take charge of the laundry because I’m the organized one and the one who cannot handle it overflowing everywhere.  If they would just follow my simple rules….
  • turn all clothes right side out before adding to the hamper (this includes your socks!!!)
  • if it doesn’t stink or have a stain hang that puppy back up and wear it another day
  • if you drop chocolate ice cream, ketchup or wipe a booger on your shirt you are responsible for using the stain remover before I wash it
  • your body is clean when you dry off with a towel….use it 3 days before adding to the hamper
  • failing to follow my #1 rule will result in you receiving the laundry back exactly as I received it….inside out
  • doing the laundry has 3 steps….if you want to do your own laundry you need to do them all

I cannot fold cold clothes y’all so the number of times I might cycle the clothes through the dryer before they are folded probably on average is 3.  And y’all, I am the most sucky clothes folder there is.  My boys are way better folders.

Don’t blame me when you can’t find your baseball socks either because you probably just don’t recognize them inside out.  Or maybe it is recently single.

If I have done your laundry for you it is a favor….say thank you and put it away…..all the way away.  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve walked into a teenagers room to find the once folded laundry scattered about the floor right along with the dirty laundry that cannot seem to find the hamper.  No sir, pick that shit up.   No laundry MVP around here.

Even though the laundry got me down tonight and left me feeling lonely and underappreciated (except for the warmth after the dryer), I was so damn excited about leftovers.  I love leftovers and seriously did not offer to make a thing for my family tonight and I was good with it.  I seriously had some deer sausage with mustard for dinner and it was awesome.

I really do love this family and truth is I love being in charge and taking care of them.  Ever so often I just wish someone else would take the reins without me asking.  Take the initiative to put a dish away or pick up their shoes or…or….just anything that might cause me to feel a little less like clawing my eyes out.

Tomorrow morning they will wake up and give me sweet hugs and kiss me goodbye and I will not be thinking about the laundry but tonight I’m kind of feeling like the leftovers.

On the bright side we have staff development this afternoon at work and tomorrow I will only be working half a day and then it is vacation for a week!  I’m sure there will be some laundry but lots of fun too.  Have a super day!

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