Five on Friday – Feeling Inspired


It’s Friday and as if that isn’t enough I’m heading into the weekend feeling super inspired!  Why?  Well this week I’ve had the pleasure of listening to amazing women, sharing dinner with amazing women and just witnessing all the ways sharing our stories can inspire others!  I thought I’d share a few of the things I’ve enjoyed this week and hope maybe some will also inspire you!

Five on Friday - The Queen in Between

International Women's Day - The Queen in Between #internationalwomensday

These girls definitely inspire me to want to be a better mom but having them also inspired me to want to be a better woman in general.  International Women’s Day brings out so many words of wisdom in the social media world and reminds us all that empowered women empower women!  There was a time I was not such a fan of other women who I felt were “more” than me but having these girls to raise definitely changed my view.  There is room for all of us at the table because we are all gifted in a different way and as long as we are willing to be ourselves with no apology we have a seat!

This podcast has definitely been my favorite as I completely all 9 of the If You Only Knew segment.  Wow, some amazing and brave women shared their “secret” and it just made me feel so, well, normal.  It’s so inspiring and their words are just so encouraging.  It is my passion to share in this space real and true stories about myself and my experiences in hopes they will touch and inspire another woman and I just loved every single word of these podcasts.  Here are a few quotes I especially was drawn to

Secrets make us sicker.

Giving voice to fear takes away its power.

It’s not your body…our body was made in the image of a perfect God…it’s the view of your body image that needs to change.

Yes to all of these right?!  Do yourself a favor and give some of these a listen.  While you may not have experienced any of these situations, hearing how these women found their path back to Jesus is inspiring.

Views - The Omni Fort Worth

I was lucky enough to spend two full days in Fort Worth surrounded by 70 incredible women as part of the Leadership Women Texas program.  Hearing stories from women in government, leaders of non profit organizations and high profile companies such as American Airlines on how they took chances and built community to gain traction as women in the workforce was inspiring.  I will have 3 more two 1/2 day sessions with these ladies over the course of this year and I’m so excited to have the opportunity.


And having a girls night out with Holly and Katy just inspires me to keep getting up every day and doing my best!  I love having these girls in my tribe.  The support we offer each other and the forgiveness we give each other for being the worlds “okayest” moms and wives is so heartwarming.  We poured out some wine and our hearts and I woke up the next morning feeling so peaceful.

Spring Forward

Even though we actually lose an hour of sleep, I’m so inspired as our days become lighter longer!  Spring Break starts for our kidos tomorrow and even though we have zero plans, I’m still excited to hopefully tackle a few projects around the house!  If the forecast holds up me may just be able to sneak off for a few days of fun too.

If you are catching up on the week you may have missed these posts!

TBB Asks – Beauty Addition 

Ageless Style Linkup – It’s in the Details

And what’s Currently going on to begin the month of March!

You can find me hosting The Blended Blog Loves today so be sure to hop on over to see a few things I’m loving right now!

Hope you are all seeing sunshine wherever you are!  Get out there and do something that will inspire you this weekend!

Linking with||Friday Favorites with ErikaAndrea & Narci, Friday FrivolityHigh Five for FridayThe Blended Blog Fab Friday Post, and Awesome Life Friday