Fish Tacos – Tasty Tuesday

Let’s just admit, whoever came up with Taco Tuesday was a genius! Every mother, everywhere is thrilled to at least have an idea what’s on the menu one day a week! Am I right?

Well we may not make tacos every single Tuesday but tacos are a definite staple around our house. If we have any type of leftover protein it is fair game to be turned into a taco. Fresh fish is no exception so fish tacos it is!

Fish Tacos #recipe #tacos

We hosted a few friends for a fish fry last weekend after our successful fishing trip and the the leftovers included a ziploc full of fried trout. I don’t know about you but cold, fried fish is not my jam. Truth be told fried fish reheated in the microwave doesn’t do much for me either. Turn that broiler on hi and toss some old cold fish in the oven for 15-20 minutes and you have the perfect base for Taco Tuesday!

Fish Tacos #recipe #tacotuesday

Just a little heat and the fish crisp right up! I like to sprinkle with a little chili powder or Trader Joe’s chili lime seasoning for a little kick.

Of course most fish or even shrimp will do and you absolutely do not have to fry. I often take a few filets and sprinkle with salt and chili powder before baking or browning in a pan with a little olive oil.

Fish Tacos #recipe #tacotuesday

I mixed purple cabbage, cilantro and lime together for a slaw to top the tacos.

Pineapple is in season and this pineapple corer makes it so easy to prepare I typically bring home a couple each week. The combo of the sweet and tart lime works perfectly for fish.

Being a sauce girl, finding something to drizzle on top completes the taco. Typically I will make something with a sour cream base but this dressing is so darn good and worked perfectly for these fish tacos!

We used corned tortillas but flour would work just as well. Totally a personal preference. I will even toss on top of greens if I’m wanting to lower the carb count.

Using leftovers to create a fresh new meal for another day is definitely something I’ve learned to do to prevent waste and save a little money. What is your favorite leftover makeover?

Fish Tacos - Tasty Tuesday