Braving Bold

Fall Style

I thought today I would share an outfit that throws caution to the wind and attempts to just be bold.  My younger self would have chosen to wear black shoes with this outfit but I’ve ventured out in recent years and am now a little braver when choosing my outfits.   These booties are no longer out of my comfort zone.

So many times people say to me “I couldn’t pull that off”.  I ask you why not?  Being able to “pull something off” comes from confidence on the inside matched with a little help from seeing what is currently fashionable.

Braving bold has a lot less to do with what’s on the outside and much more to do with what’s on the inside.  This week has been disheartening to say the least in this great country we live in and know as the “home of the brave”.  Not necessarily because of the outcome but more so because of the disrespect we have seen shown between the candidates leading up to the election as well as their supporters afterwards.  While being bold may mean having the confidence to speak out, to do so bravely to me means still doing so with kindness and respect.

The last thing you will ever find here is me debating politics.  While I’m full aware the decisions made at the top could have an impact on my life and my families life in the future, I’m also fully aware my day to day job is raising my family to brave being bold in the right kind of ways.  Love on others even when they think differently than you.  Help those who are struggling.  Show some grace to a stranger.  Do not judge others!

My friend Katy is one of the best at braving bold.  Yesterday she was bold enough to recognize a woman who was hurting and on the verge of tears waiting on an elevator.  She bravely and boldly hugged that stranger! Y’all, she didn’t question what the woman’s pain was and she didn’t question her color, religious affiliation or political party she just boldly hugged her because SHE SAW SHE WAS HURTING.   I love her for her boldness.

So just know, as you go about your day, you can pull off being brave and bold.  You can wear those sassy shoes and you can hug a stranger and change their day.

Fall StyleFall StyleFall Style
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