Whatever it Takes


Whatever it Takes

Whew…if May was anything it was a test to see if I was ready for what June had to offer!  Our month has been packed full both professionally and personally and I really don’t have a thing for you today except to pop in and say I’m still here with so many ideas and thoughts I want to share with my readers but very little time to compile a thing!  It’s definitely been one of those months where I just needed to buckle down and do whatever it takes or let it crash and burn.

Would you believe it if I told you I doubt most of my family could really tell you what in the heck it is I do when I leave the house for 8+ hours every day?  Well this month I’ve been in the busiest season of my year and it will continue through mid August.  The biggest stressor is it is all a new system and none of us have ever been through this process.  It’s been exciting and challenging and rewarding but oh…so….busy!

So what have I been doing?  Whatever it takes!  For me that has meant using my down time to rest and recharge instead of plan blog posts.  To grocery shop and do laundry instead of getting my nails done and y’all I may really need to let some people starve a little cause momma needs a pedicure.  Trusting my teen to drive himself and depend on others to carpool my kids around instead of being there myself.  To trade in my daily trips to the gym for long walks soaking up a podcast at a more convenient hour.

Whatever it takes!  It really is just part of momlife isn’t it?  The biggest thing I’ve had to learn as I’ve gotten older is doing whatever it takes doesn’t mean I have to do it all.  It’s definitely been about compromising and choosing what is necessary and what can wait.  Most of all it’s about choosing my sanity over getting it all done!

So friends, if you have noticed the decrease in blog posts and engagement here, it is not for lack of love!  I miss you all soooo much but decreasing my time in this space has been necessary for survival.  I hope to be back on a more steady routine soon but until then…..whatever it takes will be my mantra!

Hope you are having super start to summer!