Prime Finds – February 2022


It’s been a bit since I’ve shared what I’ve been priming lately because, honestly, there has been alot of returns or toys for Haisley! This month it was time for replenishing some items I use regularly as well as some home improvement items so I’m joining my friend Tanya for her Prime Purchases linkup to share my prime finds.


Supplements are something I never dabbled much in until midlife. Sure, I may have taken a multivitamin here and there but that’s about it. First, let me just note that I am not a physician obviously and you should always check with yours for concerns before adding anything to your regimen especially if you take regular medications. Collagen is something I added a few years back when I was having some major issues with hair breakage and I’ve continued to use it ever since. This particular one from Vital Proteins is flavorless and easy to add to my morning cup of coffee or tossed into a smoothie.

The last two years menopause really threw me for a loop with lots of other fun symptoms and issues as well. In some of my research to find some relief, Ashwagandha came up as a supplement that helps with anxiety which was definitely something I was battling more often. I added it to my daily routine along with my Ritual vitamins and definitely feel I have seen benefits from taking.

Dim is a new to me supplement and I just started my second month. This was first recommended to me by a friend when we were discussing hot flashes and night sweats and she had seen a huge change from taking. Almost the same day, a nutritionist I was working with suggested it as well. Apparently when our bodies stop producing estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in menopause it has no way to create an alternative source for progesterone and testoterone but will use fat as a means for producing more estrogen. Dim is found naturally in cruciferous veggies and helps to regulate estrogen levels and also helps rid our body of toxins. So far I have not seen a decrease in the hot flashes or night sweats but will give this supplement one more month to see if I note changes.

Door Hardware

We have lived in our home for amost 20 years and still had the brass doorknobs and hinges. I decided to just take the plunge and order replacements for the house and Keith has made it through about half so far. I cannot even believe the differences something so simple has made and can hardly wait to finish! I went with matte black knobs and hinges and love how they have blended in with our other fixtures.

Gallery Wall Frames

I feel certain home design is never ending and we have been working on Carly Jo’s room forever. She picked these gallery frames out and we are waiting for the pictures to come in and then hopefully her room will be somewhat complete. I loved the natural wood feel.

I also added this cuticle oil which I may have already shared with you in a prior Friday favorites. I love the bottle and it looks pretty on my nightstand which means I’m more apt to use it! My cuticles get so dry during the winter.

I am ready to think about spring decor and adding a few new touches to my house and will be searching Amazon as well as a few other fave sites to see if I “need” anything new. What are you priming lately?