January…bye, bye, bye


Whew, was January a long month or what? A fresh new start to a bright new year with a clean slate and a grand intention to celebrate everything. Who knew I would be challenged to shift my thinking so much and really, really pay attention to the little things there are each day.

Winter Style

January Joys


My salvation by completing two full books of the bible by following along with the Chronological plan and daily Bible Recap podcast.

My marriage with a fun date night to dinner and a movie! Plus multiple nights of actually sitting on the couch and watching TV together. If you know me well you know this is HUGE.

Others…eh…I could do better here! I did manage to contact by either phone, text or social media my friends with birthdays this month but I could definitely add a more personal touch. I did enjoy lunch with two friends I had not seen in awhile and headed to my hometown to celebrate the life of one of my best friends dad.

Time….sweet time. I’ve got a really, really long way to go with celebrating my time well. Having a computer crash on January 2nd caused me to waste a lot of time restoring old files to a new computer. It did allow me to relive some sweet memories with the kids and Keith as we laughed over so many pictures we had not seen in forever!

Financial freedom is something to celebrate and boy did I celebrate by spending money on a new computer and a new couch. Not exactly my intention for celebrating this area! What I did accomplish was shopping our insurance which is going to save about $1000/year. We also finally cleaned our Expedition from top to bottom to prepare to sell which has been on our list since last summer!!

Myself by resting! Instead of judging myself harshly for only making it to the gym a whole 4 times in January, I’m going to celebrate how rested my body feels. I have been in bed before 10pm probably 95% of the month and washed my face (even if it might have only been a makeup removing wipe) every night.

February Intentions

  • Continue the Chronological bible in a year plan!
  • Read 2 books and finish The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  • Celebrate Love!
  • Freeze spending on clothes, sell the Expedition and meet with a financial planner
  • Set aside time for purging two closets and the linen cabinet
  • Early to bed; early to rise and more than 4 trips to the gym. 🙂 .

One month down. How are you holding up with any intentions, goals, resolutions you set for yourself in 2019?