Five on Friday 07.24.20

Happy Friday! The heat is on here in Texas and it is downright miserable. Here are a few “Five on Friday” favorites that are making my week so much cooler.

Anthropologie currently has an extra 50% off sale items. I’ve tried to pick up random little things over the last 6 months to keep in a little gift cubby which are perfect to pull out for a friend or teacher gift on the fly. If you have procrastinated like me, some of the journals would make a great grad gift paired with a gift card. Here are some things I think would be great little gifts but they are selling out quick!

This little squish turned 2 months old and we just cannot get enough of her! She has just given all of us so much joy and her little personality is really starting to shine .

My kids week away at camp has always been their favorite. Things will look a lot different this year and I never dreamed I’d be checking off mask on the packing list. Dillon is actually working at camp and left last week but Carly Jo will meet up for a week with her bestie for drop off this Sunday. The beautiful thing is this virus can’t stop Jesus and I know this week will fill her up and prepare her for whatever the fall semester might bring. A few years back I shared Five Ways Summer Camp Will Shape Your Child and they still hold true even in these strange times.

We have lived in our house for 17 years and I’ve dreamed about upgrading our front door for many of those years. Well….it finally happened!! I’m so in love with the upgrade. I have new exterior lights to be installed and a few other touches but once it is complete I will share all the details.

In a time when things have felt so uncertain, it is reassuring to know good is still to be found. Dillon received this random act of kindness in the mail to celebrate gracuation and I pretty much thought it was the best. I assume thes individuals drove around and picked random houses with yard signs and mailed some happy!

And that’s all I’ve got this week! I’d love to know what you are doing to stay cool and still stay social distanced these days!