Everyday Holy – Daily Devotional


Happy Friday!  I know many are waking up this morning concerned with our friends on the east coast and some friends may not have slept all night as they are living in the midst of the hurricane.  When disasters like this strike it can really leave those of us on the sidelines feeling quite hopeless.  Last year as the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey became known, I pulled together a post with some tips on practical ways to help as well as links to a few blog posts from friends who have survived disasters.  Believe me, as much as it may suck to lose everything, this is not the time to clean out all the clothes you no longer want as it will not be the greatest need.

Regardless of where you may be finding yourself this morning, I thought it was a good time to share a little inspiration.  If you have been following along on Instagram you know I’m loving the new devotional by Melanie Shankle, Everyday Holy:  Finding a Big God in the Little Moments.  You can grab the book and start anytime and share your own inspiration by tagging #100dayseverydayholy on social media.  I didn’t want to wait and downloaded the book on my kindle but really, really think the hardcopy is a must for my library.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

Even during periods when I’m feeling God is silent, He is working.  He hears my prayers and He knows the struggles in my heart.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

Just be kind friends.  Give grace even when you don’t think someone deserves it.  I can promise you so many times we just do not know the full story behind others actions or behavior and kindness will go so much further than hate.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

This was a new scripture for me and I feel like I want to plaster it everywhere!  I was paralyzed for so many years based on my past mistakes.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

My job, my clothes, the latest gadgets, other people, food, all of these I’ve turned to for false security.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

It’s easy for me to be thankful for the little things each day; our health, our home, our jobs.  Somedays I like to remember those big things I’m thankful for when God saw fit to bring me through a storm so I could fully appreciate his mercy and grace.  Things like the lessons of living paycheck to paycheck so I can now value how comforting financial security can be.  The lessons of a failed marriage so I know how much it’s worth to work hard for the second chance I’ve been given to have a wonderful marriage.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration


Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

Oh the memories of this day when our country changed forever.  Day 9 reflected on the quote “true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid”.  I felt like this quote perfectly described so many of the brave people who lost their lives on 9/11.

Everyday Holy #100dayseverydayholy #inspiration

Oh how I’ve tried to fit others gifts into my life so many times. Every single time I end up only feeling worse about myself because, hello, it ain’t my gift so I cannot successfully execute.  I literally went through a period when I had to make a conscious effort to give a positive self talk every time I started down that wicked path of comparison.  I would literally speak out loud to myself and remind myself strengths and force myself to give praise to others who were using their gifts well.  There are still days I have to remind myself who I am really is ENOUGH!  I am living the exact life God wanted me to live.

I hope you find some inspiration here!  Melanie has such a gift of weaving her personal stories into these daily readings and I really think this devotional will speak to so many of you.

Enjoy your weekend!