ABC Staycation


Most of you have figured out by now our spring is typically ruled by baseball. We have not had a “real” spring break since 2008 as we have spent years following one son or the other around the ballpark. This left me looking for ways to have fun close to home and thus was born the ABC Staycation!

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to create a day of fun for your family.  This “ABC” staycation idea works so well to keep kids of all ages occupied and engaged even when the destination might not seem like an extravagant vacation. All you need is a notepad or use the note app on your phone to keep track of a word to go with each letter of the alphabet as you go through your day exploring. Big tip, you might need to think outside the box and help them out a little depending on their ages.

Look for fun outings near home like parks, zoos, museums or even just a downtown area. We happen to live in a town which boast a large university, Texas A&M, with lots of deep tradition. Fun with a little history mixed in is always a great idea. Here is a look at our day in Aggieland!

Literally friends this “ABC” staycation cost me the price of lunch and my time spent walking around with these two cuties.  The kids still talk about this day as much as they talk about our “real” vacations.  So if you are looking at everyone else’s fun vacation pix on social media…get off your tush and go make some memories from A to Z!

ABC Staycation