Be Fearless

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I’ve mentioned before in this little space how I was not always confident about dressing myself.  A short 3 years ago I’m not sure I would have been brave enough to risk over the knee boots much less wear a scarf with a short sleeve top (yes really!).  The whole white after labor day thing is still very new!  Often I realize I’m more worried about what others may be thinking about my outfit instead of feeling confident.   
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Our church service this week was all about being fearless and while I’m positive our pastor was in no way speaking about fashion choices, the service spoke to my heart.  You see, the one area fear can grab hold and rock me to my core is in the area of control.  Sometimes I do have trouble with self-control but I realize more often than not the things that make me on the ledge crazy have to do with those things I so desperately want to control in others.  
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The pastor indicated one way to pinpoint the area of fear is to look at where we place blame or where we are constantly complaining and as usual when I took a look I could see he was exactly right. Instead of turning straight to God with these prayers, lately I have been venting to others and to the individuals themselves and using words like always and never and you know what?  I’m the one feeling anxious and a little down and so, so helpless.  
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So this week I will be praying for God to help me be fearless enough to let go of the control.  I mean I don’t really have it anyway!   It’s so crazy that I know from past experience this will heal my soul and make me so much softer to certain situations but I put it off when I think I know what’s best or when I think I may have a more efficient way to make it happen!  Silly, silly woman, I know.  
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Is there a place in your life where you are needing to be fearless right now but are struggling?  I’d love to pray for you!

My friend Katy and I will be hosting Spiel the Beans on Tuesday so be sure to stop by and share a haunted tale or the scariest thing you have ever done!

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