10 Steps to Spring Clean – 10 on the 10th


Having a fresh clean house is always nice but there is something especially sweet about the house being cleaned from top to bottom in the spring! This year I went about my cleaning a little differently and thought I’d share my steps with you!

Step One | Poll all of your friends and pin lots of inspiration for their best housecleaning and home organization tips

Step Two | Evaluate and decide to poll your friends again for their best housecleaner contacts

Step Three | Schedule a time to meet with housecleaner and receive a bid for cleaning

Step Four | Spend an entire weekend cleaning your house to get it all ready to be cleaned. This step is optional of course but so necessary if you are 1) type A and 2) want the housecleaner to actually clean instead of “pick up” your house.

Step Five | Forget to grab cash the night before because you are so excited and end up late to work

Step Six | Receive a call from your husband who arrived home early to find the housecleaner still working…..6 hours later! Feel a slight bit of shame and instruct him to pay them more!

Step Seven | Arrive home and hear angels singing as you open the door.

Step Eight | Threaten your family within an inch of their life if they touch ANYTHING, or drink out of any glasses.

Step Nine | Head out to dinner so you don’t mess up the kitchen!

Step Ten | Enjoy more free time with your family (or for yourself) because the one thing totally off your mind is cleaning!

While, of course, this is meant to be a little household humor it is what I decided was best for my family’s safety and my sanity this spring. Working outside the home and being gone from home many weekends for kids activities leaves little time for cleaning. Spending my weekend cleaning while the rest of my family was having fun left me a little bitter!

Plus, for me, keeping up is a lot easier if I have someone help every two weeks. Finding a way to fit this into our budget is truly a blessing.

Now, spring purging and organizing is another beast and making sure to stay on top of the junk will keep your house in good shape so you don’t have to repeat step four every other week! Here are my 10 easy tips to refresh your bathroom if you need to start small.

Now head over and see all the “real” tips being shared for 10 on the 10th with Jen!