Queen Bees

Welcome to the February Queen Bees linkup where my friend Katy and I encourage you to share a woman in your life who inspires you!  This month the prompt is honoring a woman that loves others well through actions.  We developed a few prompts for the entire year to help you with ideas but please feel free to showcase any woman in your life!  
Have you ever done something to try and help others and end up stumping yourself?  Well that’s exactly what I did to myself with this prompt for February!  I would decide on a woman I wanted to write about and then think of another and another.  I’m taking a slightly different direction this month (my blog my prerogative right?) because I could not just choose one!  
I’d like to start with the verse I think we all know and love….no pun intended.  
1 Corinthians 13:4-8New International Version (NIV)
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. 
I look at this list and I see women who love well every day.   
Holly  & Ginny who have a knack for finding thoughtful surprises  at the right time to lift a friend up.  
Kelli who is always, always such a big cheerleader of mine and honestly knows every one of my faults but treats me as if she only sees the good.  
My sister-in-law who is always there to provide that special treat for the kids party at school and the perfect party favors even though we rarely find a way to honor her in return.  
My boss, Deborah, who respects each of us enough to let us speak our minds openly and without repercussion.  
Carly’s teacher Elizabeth who has three babies of her own but pours her entire heart into that 4th grade class every single day.  
My partner here, Katy, who is very open minded and accepting of others.  
And you know what?  I have seen every single one of these ladies faulter and fail at loving others well.   I know, I know, this is suppose to be an uplifting post right?  Here’s the thing.  I have yet to meet a woman that did not desire to love well.  We want to be the mom who is patient and kind and the friend who is not envious of what others have.  We want to be able to show pride in our jobs and our children in a way that is not boastful.  Being a parent in the school pick up line without being easily angered…yep…I want to be that parent.  Husband forgot to roll out the trash for the 3rd week in a row…I want to scratch that mental note.  Dear Lord I want to be the woman who never gossips…you know even the gossiping that “appears” to be innocent.   
The thing about loving well, it’s hard y’all.  You know the thing I love most about all of these women listed above?  I’ve known them all long enough or well enough to know they recognize when they are failing at loving well.  They know their triggers, they know the signs and instead of grabbing them and running the other way they have all decided to fight to be a little better than they were yesterday.   
Fact is for all of us, loving others well means loving ourselves well.  Recognizing when we are failing and making an effort to do better the next time.  Keep surrounding yourself with other women who are interested in doing the same.  The kind of women who love you well enough to be honest when they see you steering off course.  Using our gifts to help build on the “opportunities” for improvement is what will make sure our love will not fail.  
So…umm…yeah.  This went way off the beaten path but hopefully it will inspire all of you to give yourself some grace and just be better than you were yesterday!  Get out there and find those ladies who make you want to be better and learn from them.  
Previous Queen Bee Posts
Now it’s your turn to share a woman you know who loves well and mark your calendar for all 2016 Queen Bee linkups! 
A little linkup etiquette:  
We want you to post about women who inspire you so feel free to post old posts – new posts… it’s up to you!  Please link to your specific post URL and not to your blog home page.
Please place a link back to this link-up in either your post or on your party page so that others can link up too.
It’s a party, try to visit at least 2 other posts and show them some love!  This is the fun part! Be inspired, inspire someone else – don’t just link and run!  
We would love, love, love for you to follow us on some form of social media but it is not required. 
 Follow Shelly:  {Instagram}  {Bloglovin}  {Pinterest}  {Facebook} {Twitter}
Follow Katy:  {Instagram} {Bloglovin} {Pinterest} {Facebook}