On my Bookshelf – Blogtember #12


The Blogtember challenge for day #12 is to share a book I’ve read, one I’m reading and one I would like to read.  The past two years I have really tried to make time to read again.  I enjoy a good book but often put this on the back burner but have actually logged 10 books this year.  For some of you who read this in a month I’m sure you are laughing but for me, there have been years I have read zero so I’m super proud.  Here is what I’ve been reading and what I’m looking forward to starting.

I haven’t read Gone Girl but based on what I’ve heard I believe this may be similar.  It was definitely a little more demented than Girl on a Train. I read this book over a 24 hour period and could not put it down until it was done.  
The Royal We


I’m currently about 3/4 of the way through this book and have just not found time to settle in and finish.  I’m definitely drawn in and the further along I get the more I want to take a mental health day and stay in bed all day just to see how this ends!  Here is a little excerpt.  



My friend Holly has been sending me little tidbits from this book all month and I am super excited to read it next.  I really think any woman out there can find a way to relate to this book and find some peace reading it.  Lysa is an amazing woman of the word but she has a way to identify with even the loneliest soul and find a way to make you feel perfectly normal for having all the crazy thoughts. Here is the excerpt. 

In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences of rejection–from the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over to the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father. She leans in to honestly examine the roots of rejection, as well as rejection’s ability to poison relationships from the inside out, including our relationship with God.

I’m super excited to read all the books to be shared to day!

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